This dashboard shows the usage data of the PERIT@ application, which allows the management of lists of experts and their automatic designation to judicial proceedings by the Courts. PERIT@ will facilitate the management and maintenance of lists of experts by the colleges and deaneries, allowing the updating of information and the incorporation of new professionals in a standardised and homogeneous framework that guarantees the quality of the information. The application is developed in modules, organised according to the role of the user in the application:
1. Administrator: can perform all the functions of PERIT@.
Expert Manager (Colleges/Associations): create/maintain the pools of
experts for their association or college.
3. List Manager
(Deanery/SCG): generate, for their judicial district, the lists of
experts for the corresponding year from the professionals registered
in the pools. They can also modify the validity of the experts within
each territory.
4. Request Manager (OOJJ): they create requests
for experts, and as a result of that request, they obtain a specific
expert assigned.
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1. Thematic:
Sectoral information.
2. Indicators:
- Requests: number of cases generated by the PERIT@ application
for which an expert is automatically assigned to a judicial procedure.
They are registered by the procedural agents and managers.
Experts: professionals automatically assigned when generating a
request for a specific area of action and specialty.
Requests/Experts: average number of requests per expert.
Colleges: colleges and associations responsible for maintaining and
managing the pools of professionals (experts).
Requests/Colleges: average number of requests per college and
professional associations.
3. Geographical scope:
The information covers the entire Ministry territory. Data is
published at the Ministry territory level, by CCAA, province and
judicial district.
4. Application bodies:
Judicial bodies, professional colleges.
5. Time framework coverage:
Daily information, with data available from 09/02/2024.
6. Data update:
The data is updated on a weekly basis.
7. Normalisation processes:
The functional units and the geographic data are normalised in
accordance with the Technical Regulations of the CTEAJE (reference
standard for computer tools in the field of the Administration of Justice).
8. Adjustment:
No type of seasonal adjustment, decomposition of time series or
similar methods are performed.
9. Source: