
The data presented refer to the toxicological studies carried out by the Chemical and Drug Services of the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF) of cases of deaths by suicide. The toxicological results of the analyzes (detection of psychoactive drugs, alcohol, illicit drugs and others in mono or poly consumption) are related to various epidemiological variables (age ranges, sex, geographical distribution and annual and monthly distribution) and with the different mechanisms of suicide (suffocation, intoxication, precipitation, firearm, submersion, knife, run over, fire and others).

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sectoral information.

- Suicides: total suicides registered in the indicated period.
- Age: average age of suicide victims in the indicated period.
- Sex: most frequent sex of the victim and % of the total for the indicated period.
- Cases with toxicology: total number of cases in which a toxicological analysis has been carried out on suicide victims.
- Mechanism: most frequent suicide mechanism and % of the total for the indicated period.
- Toxicity result: most frequent toxicological result of the victim and % of the total for the indicated period.
- Type of substance: type of substance consumed most frequently by the victim and % of the total for the indicated period.

3.Geographical scope:
The information covers the entire national territory. Data are published at the national level, by CCAA and province.

4.Enforcement agencies:
National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF).

5.Temporary coverage:
Information on a daily basis, with data available from 2020.

6.Data update:
The data is updated annually.

7.Standardization processes:
The standardization of the geographic data is carried out in accordance with the technical regulations of CTEAJE (reference standard for computer tools in the field of the Administration of Justice).

No seasonal adjustment, time series collection, or similar methods are performed.

Data provided by the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF).

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