
The document shows toxicological findings in fatal victims of traffic accidents in Spain at the request of judicial bodies. The results of toxicological analyses relating to alcohol levels and the detection of drugs of abuse and psychotropic drugs are studied. These toxicological findings are related to various epidemiological variables, such as: sex, age, type of vehicle, or the day of the week on which the fatal accident occurred.

In this study, a "positive" test result is considered to be any drug of abuse or psychotropic drug, regardless of the quantity, or a blood alcohol concentration above 0.1 g/L.


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Sectoral information.

- Fatalities: number of traffic fatalities in the period indicated.
- Age of the victim: average age of the victims killed in the indicated period.
- Toxi. positive victims: number of victims found to have any drug of abuse or psychotropic drug, regardless of quantity, or a blood alcohol concentration above 0.1 g/L in the indicated period.
- Toxi. positive results: number of toxicological tests in which the presence of any drug of abuse or psychotropic drug is detected, regardless of the quantity, or a blood alcohol concentration above 0.1 g/L in the indicated period.

3.Geographical scope:
The information covers the whole of the national territory. Data are published at national level, by Autonomous Community and province.

4.Application bodies:
National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF) and Institute of Legal Medicine (IML).

5.Temporal coverage:
Information on a daily basis, with data available from 01/01/2020.

6.Updating of data:
The data is updated on an annual basis.

7.Standardisation processes:
Traffic accident data are revised in accordance with the criteria established by the National Road Safety Observatory of the Directorate General of Traffic.
The standardisation of the geographical data is carried out in accordance with the technical regulations of CTEAJE (reference standard for IT tools in the field of the Administration of Justice).

No seasonal adjustment, decomposition of time series or similar methods are used.

The analytical data have been obtained from the following institutions:
- National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences (INTCF).
- Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Catalonia (IMLCFC).
- Basque Institute of Legal Medicine (IVML).
- Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Aragon (IMLCFA).
- Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Murcia (IMLCFM).
- Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Valencia (IMLCFV).
- Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of the Balearic Islands (IMLCFIB).
- Luis Concheiro Institute of Forensic Sciences (INCIFOR).


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