Domestic violence


Information is presented with the aim of explaining how cases in this area are dealt with in the judicial bodies, the relationship between aggressors and victims and the nature of the criminal offences that are the object of the proceedings.

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- Offences: offences committed by minors registered in theSICC.
- Sentences: sentences on offences committed by minorsregistered in SICC.
- Proceedings and files: proceedings and files on offencescommitted by minors recorded in SICC.

3.Geographical scope:
The information covers the whole of the national territory.Data is published at national level, by Autonomous Communities and provinces.

4.Application bodies:
Public Prosecutor's Office.

5.Time coverage:
Information on an annual basis, with data available since 2018.

6.Updating of data:
Data is updated on an annual basis.

7.Standardisation processes:
The geographical data is standardised in accordance with theCTEAJE Technical Regulations (reference standard for IT tools in the field ofthe Administration of Justice).

No seasonal adjustment, decomposition of time series orsimilar methods are carried out.

The data are obtained from the SICC.

Thematic indicators
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