Justice in Data

This portal presents in an orderly, open and accessible manner all the official data related to the Administration of Justice and the Judiciary in Spain.


The Justice in Data portal responds, in accordance with this principle, to the historical need to offer citizens a public, common, reusable and transparent space for justice-related data, as well as to the opportunity to guide the implementation and management of public policies based on transparency and quality, all in the context of the European Union's European Data Strategy for the period 2019-2024. The articulation of the Justice in Data portal is built and updated through the coordinated action at three levels of the following multilateral institutions:


At the functional level, the National Judicial Statistics Commission (CNEJ), created by Royal Decree 1184/2006 of 13 October, whose mission is to approve the general and special statistical plans of the Administration of Justice,
It is also responsible for establishing uniform criteria that must be complied with by all on the collection, computer processing, transmission and use of statistical data on the Spanish judicial system.


A nivel tecnológico, el Comité Técnico Estatal de Administración Judicial Electrónica (CTEAJE), órgano regulado por el Real Decreto 396/2013, de 7 de junio, encargado de velar por la interoperabilidad y calidad de los diferentes sistemas tecnológicos del sector.

At the technological level, the State Technical Committee for Electronic Judicial Administration (CTEAJE), a body regulated by Royal Decree 396/2013, of 7 June, responsible for ensuring the interoperability and quality of the different technological systems in the sector.


At the territorial political level, the Sectoral Conference on Justice between the Ministry of Justice and the Autonomous Communities with transferred competences, whose purpose is, among others, the high-level definition of public policies in the administration of justice.

Data analysis

  • Consejo del Poder Judicial
  • Fiscalía General del Estado
  • Gobierno Vasco
  • Xunta de Galicia
  • Junta de Andalucía
  • Comunidad de Madrid
  • Gobierno del Principado de Asturias
  • Generalitat Valenciana
  • Gobierno de Aragón
  • Gobierno de
  • Gobierno de la Rioja
  • Gobierno de Cantabria
  • Gobierno de Navarra
  • Generalitat de Catalunya
  • Letrados de la Administración de Justicia